“I came from a very traditional New Jersey '50s marriage. Everything changed during those years – from 1959 to 1975 – including me.”
“I have a little bitty notebook in my pocket. I have slightly larger notebooks with spiral binding and then I have my computer. I keep 3 pens in my jacket pocket always — one black, one red, one blue.”
“I'm in a weird position since I left, and it's a little maddening. People coming up saying, ‘Please run again, please run again,’ and I go, ‘Well, I'm keeping my options open.’ And that's what I say.’”
“I'm a Jewish woman who goes to the doctor, I assure you. I had a sister who died of breast cancer, the last thing I've ever told anyone, much less an AIDS patient, is that they shouldn't take their medicine.”
“I'm an American — that's what I do for a living — I tell our stories. Each film is essentially asking the same question: Who are we? Who are those strange and complicated people who like to call themselves Americans?”
“Look, my priority is my career. It's my public service, but I want to try to live as balanced a life as I can. I think it's better to start now than to start 10 years from now.”
“A hundred duck-sized Chris Christies, because I think vanquishing each of them would be so satisfying.”
“I'm from the West – I don’t trifle with people, and I won't be trifled with. I don't care if you're a president, general, prime minster, et cetera.”
“We're all of value. If a 15-year-old kid writes with a question or comment, you should take it seriously and respond.”
“I sing along a lot. First off, I like to sing; the Jewish liturgy is full of evocations to sing to the Lord, as this is something that befits our Creator, and maybe enriches our own religious experience.”
“If I could interview any one person, it would be Abraham Lincoln. He was in my view, the greatest American.”
“It's the only picture I have anywhere of me with a famous person, you know . . . because it's Jerry Garcia.”